David  zoekt een Huurwoning in Groningen

David zoekt: Een Huurwoning in Groningen

  • Huurwoning
  • Min. 40 m2
  • Man
  • 10 Per direct

Hello my name is David Belosic and I am a student from Bratislava,Slovakia. I will be starting The Hanze University this September studying the Sport studies. I am planing to move to Groningen in the end of August with another 3 Slovakian friends who will study at Hanze University as well. We are finding accomodation and if you could help us it would be great for us. Have a nice day, David Belosic

Algemene informatie: David
  Man, 26 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  1e jaars Sport Studies (UNIVERSITEIT)