Wiktoria is looking for a Rental Property / Apartment / Studio in Groningen

Wiktoria is looking for: A Rental Property / Apartment / Studio in Groningen

  • Rental Property / Apartment / Studio
  • Min. 18 m2
  • Female
  • 23 Immediately

I am a biotechnology student from Lodz, Poland. I'm looking for short-term accommodation (Febuary-July 2024) for my student mobility semester in Groningen.

I'm the eldest of five kids, so I tend to be rather tidy and fairly well-organised. I have never smoked and scarcely drink. In my free time I enjoy reading, listening to music, travelling and practicing various forms of sport including skiing, horse riding, rifle shooting, windsurfing and others. At my university, for the last two years I have also been working in a PhD-student team on my own research project.

Unfortunately, I do not speak Dutch yet but I am hoping to learn some by the time I finish my student exchange (apart from Polish and English I do speak some French and Russian though).

General information: Wiktoria
  Female, 22 years old
Type of tenant: Student
  3rd study year Industrial Biotechnology (Undergraduate School)